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Toxic Ingestion / Poison

Toxic Ingestion and Poisoning

Did your pet eat a substance that is toxic to it? Prompt treatment from your veterinarian near you is vital for preventing significant health complications or death. Understanding what substances are dangerous for pets and the symptoms they may experience can help you keep your furry friend safe and healthy. East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic in Diamond Bar, CA, is here to tell you about toxic items for pets and how we can treat poisoning.

What Is Toxic to My Pets?

Several household items or substances in your yard can be dangerous for pets to ingest. Some of the most common toxic foods and items for pets include:

•             Chocolate, grapes, onions, and other human foods

•             Alcohol

•             Some over-the-counter and prescription medications

•             Antifreeze

•             Pesticides

•             Household cleaners

•             Fertilizers

•             Lilies, poinsettias, sago palms, and aloe vera

The extent of how dangerous these substances are to your pet depends on different factors, such as its species and size. The amount your pet consumes also affects toxicity.

Signs and Symptoms of Poisoning

The symptoms your pet experiences will depend on the specific substance it ingests. Some common signs of poisoning to watch out for include:

•             Diarrhea

•             Vomiting

•             Pale gums

•             Appetite loss

•             Lethargy or lack of energy

•             Excessive drooling

•             Rapid heart rate

•             Seizures

•             Shaking

Some toxins can cause internal damage that does not show noticeable symptoms. Visiting our veterinary clinic if your pet ingests a toxic substance is crucial for getting these toxins out of its system before they lead to significant harm.

What Should I Do About Toxic Ingestion in My Pets?

Do not hesitate to seek care if you believe your pet ingested a toxic substance. The sooner your pet receives treatment, the better its outcomes are. When bringing your pet to our emergency clinic, tell our veterinarians the substance it ingested if possible. Doing this helps expedite the treatment process. Your pet’s treatment may include one or more of the following based on the specific toxin and severity:

•             Inducing vomiting to get rid of the toxin

•             Giving an antidote

•             Using fluid therapy to prevent dehydration

•             Using oxygen therapy for breathing problems

Visit Our Emergency Veterinary Clinic in Diamond Bar, CA

If your pet ingested a toxic substance and you need emergency treatment from a “veterinarian near you,” contact East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic in Diamond Bar, CA, immediately. We can provide prompt diagnosis and treatment to ensure your furry friend remains happy and healthy, so call us at (909) 861-5737 and bring your pet in as soon as possible.

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  • Meet The Team

    I love coming to work everyday! Ever since I started working here at East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic I have been reading and learning as much as I can about pet health and well being. Now my pets and I are living a healthier life and can pass my knowledge and experience to other families so they too can discover wellness!

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