The Importance Of Spaying & Neutering Your Pet With East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic In Diamond Bar, CA
If your cat or dog isn't already spayed or neutered, now is the time to schedule an appointment for this procedure with our Diamond Bar veterinarian! Here at East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic, we provide not only urgent and emergency veterinary services for your beloved pet, but general health and wellness care—including the all-important spay & neuter procedure.
Specifically, a spay (female) or neuter (male) surgery involves the removal of a portion of your pet's reproductive system to prevent unwanted litters.
Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet
Simply put, spaying or neutering your pet is the responsible thing to do. When you have your pet spayed or neutered, he or she is unable to reproduce, which helps to prevent unwanted litters that can otherwise fill local shelters and lead to even more homeless pets. Pet overpopulation is already a huge problem across the United States, so having your pet spayed or neutered means doing your part to address this issue head-on.
There are also health benefits to spaying or neutering your pet. For example, your female pet will never have to go through the physical burden of pregnancy and birth. Furthermore, pets that are spayed or neutered are less likely to develop certain health problems down the road—including reproductive cancers.
Our veterinary team has a great deal of experience performing this procedure here in our office. All pets are placed under anesthesia for maximum comfort, and in most cases, pets are able to return home the same day. Recovery for spay and neuter is also relatively easy, as the sutures will dissolve on their own.
Schedule an Appointment With Our Diamond Bar Veterinarian Today!
Most pets are ready to be spayed or neutered by our Diamond Bar veterinarian by the time they are a couple months old. If you're interested in scheduling an appointment, contact our East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic team today at (909) 861-5737. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have!